Modified Brilliant Cut Diamonds

Modified Brilliant cut diamonds are categorized under fancy cut which are different from traditional round brilliant cut diamond.

However, before proceeding further I will advise you to read facets arrangement of round brilliant cut first.

Facets arrangements of crown in modified brilliant cut is similar to that of round brilliant cut, but difference lies in facets arrangements of pavilion.

This cut enables maximum carat weight retention in odd shaped rough stone. A rough stone may result in only half carat of diamond if given round brilliant cut, but if it is given modified brilliant cut, it may result into almost 1 carat diamond.

Types of Modified Brilliant Cut

Following are the types of modified brilliant cut:

  • Marquise or Navette Cut
  • Pear or Pendelaque Cut
  • Oval Cut
  • Heart Cut

Marquise or Navette Cut

This cut has long oval shape with pointed ends. Marquise cut is very popular in engagement and wedding rings and is used in center to enhance the beauty of ring.

The facets arrangement of marquise cut is shown below

Marquise Cut Marquise Cut Diamond
Marquise Cut - Viewed from Top and Bottom Marquise Cut Diamond Ring

Pear or Pendelaque Cut

This cut has oval shape from one end and is pointed from other end. It’s also called tear-drop due to its shape. It’s most suitable and popular in earrings.

The facets arrangement of this cut is shown below.

Pear Cut Pear Cut Diamond
Pear Cut - Viewed from Top and Bottom Pear Cut Diamond Earrings

Oval Cut

This cut has oval shape with curved ends (unlike Marquise cut). It can be said as modified version of round brilliant cut.

The facets arrangement of this cut is shown below.

Oval Cut Oval Cut Diamond
Oval Cut - Viewed from Top and Bottom Oval Cut Diamond

Heart Cut

This is a cut which is heavily influenced by fashion and art. It can be described as a pear-shaped diamond with a cleft on top giving it heart shape.

The facets arrangement of this cut is shown below.

Heart Cut Heart Cut Diamond
Heart Cut - Viewed from Top and Bottom Heart Cut Diamond Ring

Having the shape of heart, it is treated as symbol of love and is very popular in wedding rings. Heart-shaped diamond is a very good option for valentine day’s gift. So, why not going for heart-shaped diamond ring if you thinking of proposing your love :).

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